Well, the prospect of cabinet latches and figuring out what can safely and functionally be stored under the guest bed wasn't all that exciting to me today.  I came home from work around 2 and really would have liked to sit and watch the Husker game.  Our normally ultra-quiet street had the faint air of a pleasant summer holiday.  We, on the other hand, had tasks to complete.  Don't misunderstand, these are tasks I am immensely grateful to have!  Sometimes, after weeks like the last two we've had, you just wish the entire family had, say, a five day weekend together.  (LOL - don't worry, I'm actually quite rational! :-).  Well, after supper, in an attempt to motivate me to organize sewing supplies, I thought I'd go get the mail.  

" [dim lights, cue orchestra, dance down the sidewalk to the mailbox] ... Oh, the Wells Fargo wagon is a co-min' down the street, I hope it brings somethin' for me ..."

WooHoo! A package from Glass Baby Bottle!  A few Dr. Brown's glass bottles in a two sizes and some glass training cups. So exciting to put these in the cabinet and be ready for someone whom God will choose to come and live with us!

(I'm also collecting some not-new bottles and cups to have for the kiddo's visitations, etc., just in case the items I send don't come back home.)

These glass toddler cups are so fabulous, by the way.  They are a half-pint canning jar with a silicone sleeve and screw-on cap.  No, don't worry, I have not broken my no-sippy-cup rule.  The lid is like an adult travel mug, with a tiny opening.  Our kids used cups like this (never a sippy - bad for speech development ;), but I didn't know about the glass option at the time.  You can buy the full deal, or just the sleeve and cap.  I'm so excited!  Yes, little things can make me happy.  Cups and bottles are all in the dishwasher and I'm off to organize a bit before falling fast asleep!

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