Seventeen hours after signing our contract and home study, we received a call asking us to take two boys into care.  One was older than the age we said we felt appropriate for us - I suppose that's another post all together.  Still, there were a couple of things that made me wonder if they were supposed to come to live with us.  Things like an uncommon ethnicity for our area that is similar to ethnicities already in our home and a food allergy we already know how to handle.

I knew that I couldn't call my husband then let them know, because they can't wait.  These kids needed a home immediately and if you aren't sure, they move on to calling someone else.  Well, the person who called said, in response to my one question, "I can call so-and-so and get back to you."  Wow!, I thought, that gives me time to call my husband.  Amazing.  So, we lamented and prayed, wondering what was right.  We had discussed this exact age and gender scenario the night before and said it wouldn't work ... until the other factors came into play.  While waiting for a call, the kids and I dropped our lessons and ran around, locking the medicine and cleaning cabinets, picking up a bit, making sure outlet plugs hadn't been removed, and I threw in a load of laundry that I was planning to do that night.  Still no call back, so my husband called the person at the agency, waited for a return call, and then found that she had already placed the boys with someone else.

[Void].  That's kind of how it felt.  Had God made the decision for us while we just couldn't decide?  We really were not prepared for the older child, so it's probably best in the long run, but, boy, it was still a little sad.  I've been wondering whose home they went to and if we'll ever run into them.  I'm wanting to make sure the foster family knows everything about the food allergy, and generally, feeling responsible.  I know, I know, it was just a phone call.  I'm not good at saying no to kids in need, but they found a safe place right away.  I shouldn't worry.  I should stand with what we know is best for our family at this time, still, little hands and hearts can surely melt mine.  

I hope the phone rings again soon.  I don't even want to get in the shower, for fear of missing a call.  Guess then, they'd have to change that home study statement about me being "well groomed".  Maybe a laugh or two will help.

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